Many advertising and marketing executives build their reputation upon the value of the customer relationship to the brand. Creating strategies, messages and offers that create, nurture, and reinforce that connection. Funny, if they spent a small portion of that effort on the agency relationship, how much easier the task might be and benefits they might realize.
Having worked with a wide range of agencies of all types, sizes and disciplines; I have experienced a number of common issues, irritations and sensitivities. The current economic and world situation has only heightened insecurity.
To start off a new year and decade, I offer up some simple guidelines and suggestions that will lead to better work and more satisfying working relationships. They may be simple and obvious; that does not mean they are easy to follow and implement!
• It’s a Relationship – That means both need each other, so you have to be able to trust and depend upon the other party. However, it is never an even relationship; both parties always feel they are contributing more. Be sure to raise the discussion when it feels too far out of balance, say 70/30
• Not a Partnership – each of you is ultimately accountable for something, so try to be mindful of the roles and competencies. Clients, try not to write copy or art direct. Agencies, be wary of clients who abdicate the marketing strategy development to you; it’s setup for trouble!
• Communication is Key – Listening is the most fundamental skill required; work hard at listening to each other. And take time to check for understanding. Did you hear correctly?
• Feedback & Reinforcement – Look for opportunities to say “Thank you” and provide positive comments, EVERYDAY. Continuous negative feedback corrodes the relationship.
• Gifting – Try to surprise them once in a while for no reason, without being a holiday or other occasion (like a new product pitch). Good ideas, insights and thoughts demonstrate that you understand their needs and care about the relationship.
• 7 Second Delay - Please – Never, ever use bad words, or give feedback when you are angry. Once they are spoken or sent, you can never retrieve them – they hang in the air forever. Marketing is far more of an intuitive art form than engineering. Motivation and inspiration go farther than fear in getting good work
• Confront Issues Together – if and when you have problems, discuss it openly and honestly between yourselves. Don’t involve 3rd parties, even to vent. Doing so only magnifies the issue. NEVER mention ending the relationship, unless you are fully committed to that. Before that, any mention will only serve to weaken the partnership and put the agency further on the edge.
• Accountability – Affirm that the agency alone is responsible for creating impactful and effective – advertising, direct marketing, digital marketing, entertainment/sports marketing – campaigns, programs and plans. Oh yeah, and make sure you tell them that you truly believe they will do it.
Agencies and client have to work hard to keep the relationship fresh, vital and growing. The search and engagement process is quite protracted and lengthy – it should be avoided at all costs. If you have done the due diligence upfront, know each other and have good chemistry – it is very worth fixing any issues that surface along the way.
Splitting up is the easy way, but does not guarantee happiness.
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