A Silver Lining in the Dark Economic Clouds?
The past year has certainly been challenging and scary. But to not learn from the events that we lived through would be a waste. Now is a good time to pause and reflect as it appears that the worst is over and we are seeing the beginning of stability that will become a recovery in 2010.
Despite the economic damage caused, plus the pain and suffering endured, there are benefits to be reaped and lessons to be learned. To that end, I wanted to share some of my observations and reflections as we reach year end.
1. Due Diligence Required – any investment, marketing plan, RFP request etc. has to be evaluated seriously and thoroughly before you recommend or approve it. Optimism, hope and the ‘or leading competitor is doing it’ are not acceptable substitutes.
2. Reasonableness – of assumptions, business model and any factor that goes into making a decision. Believing that real estate would continue to appreciate annually at 20% is not reasonable; common sense should have prevailed, and must in the future.
3. Metrics – everything you do in business must be measured, why otherwise would you do it? If you can’t figure that out, walk away.
4. End of ‘conspicuous consumption’– frugality is now ‘in’, which is not good for a recovery, but will be beneficial in the long term. How do you position your product to be a smart buy?
5. Customer service – more value as a differentiator and an element of the marketing mix (ie. Amazon or Zappo’s)
6. Valuing Customers – I have never felt more appreciation and love from companies I give my business to. Let’s keep this up, because without customers, you have nothing.
7. Values DO matter – even the Tiger Woods brand could not withstand the value judgments being made about him, right or wrong.
8. Image is NOT everything – sorry Andre Agassi - substance, being genuine and real does count. The world is far too connected, open and transparent to permit a false image to be maintained for long.
9. Green is real and expected – companies that merely wrap themselves in the green movement are sorely missing the bigger opportunity. Green marketing has direct benefits with customers, employees and every audience you want to reach.
10. Optimism is contagious – think about the mood in the US surrounding the Obama inauguration. Wasn’t it wonderful, refreshing and exciting? We owe it to ourselves to adopt and maintain a positive outlook, perspective and expectation of better things to happen.
In addition to looking back, it is also time to think about 2010. I'm not a big resolution person, but do believe that one must have a plan, if not vision for your upcoming year. It is very appropriate to pause a bit and sincerely think about all phases of your life and what you dream and hope will be true next year.
If you don't have a plan, you haven't got anything. Plan B is good to have too.
Happy New Year and good riddance to 2009!
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