A recent survey from the Association of National Advertisers (ANA) revealed that most marketers focus their customer connection on functional or rational messaging, despite their desired preference to build emotional links. The study of 80 marketers showed that functional/rational benefits are featured 62% of the time over emotional benefits, 38%.
The channels utilized to build emotional connection are websites (82%), channel partners/sales force (66%), customer relationship management [CRM] (64%) and call centers (52%). As for identifying the success of conveying emotional benefits, they cited ad tracking (75%), brand equity scores (75%) and copy testing (54%).
These seemingly innocuous results are very telling and somewhat scary for the future of marketing and advertising. The ANA is composed of most of the leading brand marketers in the US, and as an organization that stands firmly rooted in promoting and protecting brand marketing. So they are an important barometer of the state of marketing. Despite their best intentions and deeply held beliefs, most are acting directly opposite.
I should put out there that I am also a strong advocate of the power of brands and branding. Truly branded relationships, where the customer has an emotional investment and psychographic connection to a product or brand are so not common. They are precious, fragile and valuable, giving the brand great equity, power and opportunity. With that comes great responsibility to sustain the promise and trust that is inherent in a branded relationship. When customers begin to “own” the brand – Classic Coke, Motrin, Apple, etc. – marketers and the business enter a phase of mutually symbiotic, yet sometimes opposed relationships with customers.
So why this deep dichotomy between intent and action? Is it mere laziness or simplicity? Let’s face it, feature barking is a lot easier than truly creative and breakthrough marketing. Brand communications that reinforce the essence, AND convey superiority or innovation happen less often than we’d like. You know it when you see it. Sadly, we don’t see it enough.
I don’t believe it is merely a result of people following the easy path. So, let’s explore a few of the primary drivers:
- Technology/Web – The market has become pretty ‘pure’ in terms of the ability of buyers to comparison shop and research products. This reduces brand power and impact mightily.
- Economics – Many brands simply don’t have the budgets to invest in brand building as it historically has been defined. The pressure to create ROI and meet business case projections won’t sustain a lengthy investment period.
- Short Term / Dashboard Mentality – Leadership of US companies tends to have a strong finance or CFO orientation. Despite best efforts, it is hard to put ‘brand equity’ on the balance sheet. Success is measured in quarters, not years.
- Media explosion and fracture – The multitude of media choices and emphasis on ‘accountability’ have complicated the planning landscape. How do you balance buys that create emotional connection against drive to retail, promotion or click streams?
- Channel power – With a few key channel partners controlling huge volumes, they now exert great influence over the brands. Continued pressure to cut prices forces brand marketers to make difficult choices – retail volume vs. brand values
Where does this leave us? Honestly, I don’t foresee a dramatic change for some time. ANA and CMO’s will have to continue the fight to preserve the role and value of emotionally based, relationship marketing. When the economy recovers to a more normal level of demand and marketing activity, they will have to advocate for the resumption of brand communications.
To be successful, they will need to tell a truly compelling story – a marketing business case – in the language that the business understands. CMOs will have to be able to link themselves to P&L, otherwise risk being an unequal partner at the planning table.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Leadership and Vision – Inspiring the Future
How often do you hear ads or marketing campaigns refer to “in these economics times” or other such down type messaging? We all know that Wall Street and consumer confidence are emotionally driven, momentum based indices. Despite an overall bullish economy, we are acting bearishly. Anything that goes wrong – Toyota, BP, Greece/PIIGS etc. – sets us back weeks on the optimism scale. It is hard for folks to have faith when all we hear about, incessantly on cable, are the headlines touting gloom and doom.
It seems that we as a people have lost the ability to dream and believe, so it takes something really special, unique and original to move us as a society. Obama ‘08 clearly tapped into an emotional vein of optimism and potential – “Yes We Can” and the results are proof. Even those who did not vote for him admired him and were motivated, at least until the first 100 days of his presidency ended.
Leadership and vision are themes and topics I return to often, as I have always believed that one of the primary and most important roles of senior management is the responsibility to create an environment that inspires and lifts the staff to do great things. They also have to create an organization and structure that prepares, enables and allows staff the resources and opportunity to believe in their dreams and act on them. Of course there are other tasks and roles, but my emphasis here is on the inspiration aspect.
Below are some customs that can be enacted in any organization to help foster forward thinking…and actions to make it real.
See the Future – Businesses are too often more effective at responding or capitalizing upon unexpected challenges or problems. So, build in processes to plan changes by asking “what if” questions regularly and then act on the ideas. They key is asking BIG, complex and scary “what ifs” that push you into awkward and uncomfortable places.
Trail Blazers, NOT Trekkers - Look to attract and promote folks who lead by example, not managers of process. Reward those with courage, motivation and vision, who don’t seek the easy answers.
Reward Innovation – Expect new ideas, thinking and approaches from EVERY employee. Ensure that your talent acquisition, training and rewards systems adequately address it. Reinforce the need for innovation in communications and action. Of course this means that you must be expect and tolerate failures and mistakes, employees must have a safety net that allows them reasonable risk taking.
Take Time To... – read, think, meet customers, get out of your walls, look at other companies and industries. Do this regularly and intentionally. Technology and the pace of global business have diminished time to dream, evaluate and ponder. We are prone read, react and move on, as business is done in BlackBerry dimensions – instantaneously on a 3” X 3” screen. You know this is not a sustainable way of leading the business.
Bring Your Ecosystem With You – We all know it’s less scary to go out in the dark with a group. So bring your employees, channel partners, suppliers and customers with you. You are all mutually invested, so you should leap into the future together.
No doubt these are indeed challenging times, but they are getting better and momentum is gathering. Achieving the incredible business opportunities that await will not be done in the usual measured way.
Those willing to take bold, aggressive leaps will benefit most. But this will require some risk, faith and imagination that unleash the power of inspired human spirit.
As the old axiom goes...."What am I willing to let go of, to get what I want?"
It seems that we as a people have lost the ability to dream and believe, so it takes something really special, unique and original to move us as a society. Obama ‘08 clearly tapped into an emotional vein of optimism and potential – “Yes We Can” and the results are proof. Even those who did not vote for him admired him and were motivated, at least until the first 100 days of his presidency ended.
Leadership and vision are themes and topics I return to often, as I have always believed that one of the primary and most important roles of senior management is the responsibility to create an environment that inspires and lifts the staff to do great things. They also have to create an organization and structure that prepares, enables and allows staff the resources and opportunity to believe in their dreams and act on them. Of course there are other tasks and roles, but my emphasis here is on the inspiration aspect.
Below are some customs that can be enacted in any organization to help foster forward thinking…and actions to make it real.
See the Future – Businesses are too often more effective at responding or capitalizing upon unexpected challenges or problems. So, build in processes to plan changes by asking “what if” questions regularly and then act on the ideas. They key is asking BIG, complex and scary “what ifs” that push you into awkward and uncomfortable places.
Trail Blazers, NOT Trekkers - Look to attract and promote folks who lead by example, not managers of process. Reward those with courage, motivation and vision, who don’t seek the easy answers.
Reward Innovation – Expect new ideas, thinking and approaches from EVERY employee. Ensure that your talent acquisition, training and rewards systems adequately address it. Reinforce the need for innovation in communications and action. Of course this means that you must be expect and tolerate failures and mistakes, employees must have a safety net that allows them reasonable risk taking.
Take Time To... – read, think, meet customers, get out of your walls, look at other companies and industries. Do this regularly and intentionally. Technology and the pace of global business have diminished time to dream, evaluate and ponder. We are prone read, react and move on, as business is done in BlackBerry dimensions – instantaneously on a 3” X 3” screen. You know this is not a sustainable way of leading the business.
Bring Your Ecosystem With You – We all know it’s less scary to go out in the dark with a group. So bring your employees, channel partners, suppliers and customers with you. You are all mutually invested, so you should leap into the future together.
No doubt these are indeed challenging times, but they are getting better and momentum is gathering. Achieving the incredible business opportunities that await will not be done in the usual measured way.
Those willing to take bold, aggressive leaps will benefit most. But this will require some risk, faith and imagination that unleash the power of inspired human spirit.
As the old axiom goes...."What am I willing to let go of, to get what I want?"
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Before Your Business Jumps into Social Media ...Prepare for the Worst
The upside of using social networking tools for businesses far outweigh the risks, but they do pose potential damage to brand image and corporate data. An informed and considered process is needed before you move into this space.
The growth and momentum of Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace, Twitter etc. is well known. The crossover from personal use, on personal time to business use and business time occurred some time ago. Many companies entered this period with little or no policy, plan or protection. That should scare the bejeezus out of any senior management or business owner!
Yes, these sites are valuable and effective tools to build and maintain relationships with friends, brand advocates, colleagues, customers and potential employees. But evil doers with bad intent are also out there, seeking to achieve gain or do damage to others. Are you prepared?
The crux of the issue is around user identity and user created content. Despite the frequent reports of identity theft and web hacking, most users feel fairly safe and protected while on-line. Most of the social networking sites provide a treasure trove of personal information, which creates a tempting and lucrative target for hackers. Developing malicious applications which are populated on Facebook and then push malware onto user’s computers is not a hard effort
In addition, there are few impediments to restrict or prevent a disgruntled customer or former employee from slamming a brand on Twitter. Or someone decides to post the photos from the office picnic (where things got out of control) onto their Facebook page. How about Tweets from someone in R&D about a new breakthrough that will shake up your industry, sending the stock price up $3 in an hour! Yikes, you have issues in all cases.
Many organizations often first look to the IT department for guidance, which results in an iron clad block of all sites. This cannot be the answer for a progressive organization that understands the valuable marketing and sales window they offer. But the answer is not a technology based one. An effective and appropriate approach involves a blending of the following areas:
POLICY – An intentional, clear and concise policy regarding the use of social networking must be established within the overall use of company assets, Internet or Information Technology policy. It should incorporate guidelines for customer engagement and any and all ethical, legal and professional restrictions. (e.g. HIPPA for any medical related business). It should designate who is permitted to use social networking to represent the company on-line, and should specifically exclude all others.
Personal use of social networks should fall in line with the overall Internet policy, where excessive use and significant upload/downloads are prohibited. The policy should restrict any installation of unauthorized applications, tools or widgets. ALL employees should be required to review and sign the policy annually.
TRAINING – All staff should be required to complete a training module that covers the benefits, policy, threats and uses of social networks. Special emphasis should be devoted to acceptable and risky uses of the sites and those persons or groups authorized for “official” company use.
IT SOLUTIONS – There are a variety of new tools on the market that are very specific to the threats of social networks, skilled IT professionals are required to guide you through this process. At the very least, every business must have an effective set of defenses that should include multiple layers of firewall, spam, and virus and malware protection.
Any organization can leverage the power of social networks. Before jumping in, however a bit of thoughtful preparation is necessary to minimize the risks and assisting employees by providing structure and guidelines.
Good luck.
The growth and momentum of Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace, Twitter etc. is well known. The crossover from personal use, on personal time to business use and business time occurred some time ago. Many companies entered this period with little or no policy, plan or protection. That should scare the bejeezus out of any senior management or business owner!
Yes, these sites are valuable and effective tools to build and maintain relationships with friends, brand advocates, colleagues, customers and potential employees. But evil doers with bad intent are also out there, seeking to achieve gain or do damage to others. Are you prepared?
The crux of the issue is around user identity and user created content. Despite the frequent reports of identity theft and web hacking, most users feel fairly safe and protected while on-line. Most of the social networking sites provide a treasure trove of personal information, which creates a tempting and lucrative target for hackers. Developing malicious applications which are populated on Facebook and then push malware onto user’s computers is not a hard effort
In addition, there are few impediments to restrict or prevent a disgruntled customer or former employee from slamming a brand on Twitter. Or someone decides to post the photos from the office picnic (where things got out of control) onto their Facebook page. How about Tweets from someone in R&D about a new breakthrough that will shake up your industry, sending the stock price up $3 in an hour! Yikes, you have issues in all cases.
Many organizations often first look to the IT department for guidance, which results in an iron clad block of all sites. This cannot be the answer for a progressive organization that understands the valuable marketing and sales window they offer. But the answer is not a technology based one. An effective and appropriate approach involves a blending of the following areas:
POLICY – An intentional, clear and concise policy regarding the use of social networking must be established within the overall use of company assets, Internet or Information Technology policy. It should incorporate guidelines for customer engagement and any and all ethical, legal and professional restrictions. (e.g. HIPPA for any medical related business). It should designate who is permitted to use social networking to represent the company on-line, and should specifically exclude all others.
Personal use of social networks should fall in line with the overall Internet policy, where excessive use and significant upload/downloads are prohibited. The policy should restrict any installation of unauthorized applications, tools or widgets. ALL employees should be required to review and sign the policy annually.
TRAINING – All staff should be required to complete a training module that covers the benefits, policy, threats and uses of social networks. Special emphasis should be devoted to acceptable and risky uses of the sites and those persons or groups authorized for “official” company use.
IT SOLUTIONS – There are a variety of new tools on the market that are very specific to the threats of social networks, skilled IT professionals are required to guide you through this process. At the very least, every business must have an effective set of defenses that should include multiple layers of firewall, spam, and virus and malware protection.
Any organization can leverage the power of social networks. Before jumping in, however a bit of thoughtful preparation is necessary to minimize the risks and assisting employees by providing structure and guidelines.
Good luck.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
That Vision Thing
The need for a clearly defined vision
It is all too easy to dismiss corporate mission and vision statements as buzzwords or fluffy proclamations unconnected to running the business. The fact is the internal view of corporate vision, especially among senior leadership has never been more critical, and more telling on the ability to compete.
Vision statements became popular in the ‘90s as corporations had to directly address a changing marketplace, technologies and business model. But successful companies have been applying the principles all along, whatever they have called it.
A basic definition of corporate vision is an articulation of where you intend to lead an organization and the communication to the staff. Workers expect that leaders have a sense of direction that you believe in and are committed to. Consistent and frequent reinforcement helps maintain alignment and buy-in to a shared goal.
Without a corporate vision, companies often wobble from one event or activity to another, creating a reactive and short term perspective. Lack of a clear vision also enable external forces to impact their ability to achieve goals and ultimately succeed. Ultimately, visionless companies put their destiny in the hands of others, as they relinquish control and direction.
As we emerge from the economic downturn, vision and focus will be key attributes to help organizations emerge and reestablish forward momentum. Organizations are reeling from the shock of the past 2 years, as hard choices were made in tightening the belt, product line and staff. Employee morale and collegiality is at an all time low and trust is short.
Companies that fail to be clear and precise with their vision for the future run several risks. First, this will not be a time that treats the timid well. Businesses slow to adjust to the new normal and seize the opportunity may never recover. Second staff, uncertain for the future and beaten down by necessary sacrifices may seek a more assured future elsewhere. Customers, channel partners and investors will be keenly interested in where you are headed and will not stay on board if it is not clear that the future is bright and there is a plan to get there.
The power of corporate vision can be seen through NASA in the ‘60s. President John F. Kennedy’s goal of putting a man on the moon before the decade ended helped galvanize the organization and captured the public imagination; providing much needed support and encouragement. Think about NASA over the past 3 decades, no clear vision and as a result lukewarm public interest and Congressional support.
Corporate vision is an essential ingredient for businesses intending to succeed over the long term. Substance counts over style, aim for brevity and focus. Try to hit the following points:
• It must clearly define an important future goal, or at least a major direction for the company
• It must be exciting or inspiring enough to provide the motivation for people to follow
• It must be articulated with clarity and commitment to provide guidance and coordination for disparate groups
• It must outline a general strategy for achieving the goal
Once a corporate vision is established, the critical and hardest part starts – evangelizing and reinforcing. All senior staff must communicate their understanding and organizational connection to the vision. Every member of the team must absolutely understand how they and their work are directly connected to the vision.
Too many organizations spend too much time on creating the vision and far too little on the communication. Get it roughly right and then share with the team. Let the feedback help you refine and hone it. But make every effort to communicate it, to the point of over–communication.
The benefits of a focused and aligned team are profound. A corporate vision, well crafted and better understood are invaluable tools for leaders.
Good luck.
It is all too easy to dismiss corporate mission and vision statements as buzzwords or fluffy proclamations unconnected to running the business. The fact is the internal view of corporate vision, especially among senior leadership has never been more critical, and more telling on the ability to compete.
Vision statements became popular in the ‘90s as corporations had to directly address a changing marketplace, technologies and business model. But successful companies have been applying the principles all along, whatever they have called it.
A basic definition of corporate vision is an articulation of where you intend to lead an organization and the communication to the staff. Workers expect that leaders have a sense of direction that you believe in and are committed to. Consistent and frequent reinforcement helps maintain alignment and buy-in to a shared goal.
Without a corporate vision, companies often wobble from one event or activity to another, creating a reactive and short term perspective. Lack of a clear vision also enable external forces to impact their ability to achieve goals and ultimately succeed. Ultimately, visionless companies put their destiny in the hands of others, as they relinquish control and direction.
As we emerge from the economic downturn, vision and focus will be key attributes to help organizations emerge and reestablish forward momentum. Organizations are reeling from the shock of the past 2 years, as hard choices were made in tightening the belt, product line and staff. Employee morale and collegiality is at an all time low and trust is short.
Companies that fail to be clear and precise with their vision for the future run several risks. First, this will not be a time that treats the timid well. Businesses slow to adjust to the new normal and seize the opportunity may never recover. Second staff, uncertain for the future and beaten down by necessary sacrifices may seek a more assured future elsewhere. Customers, channel partners and investors will be keenly interested in where you are headed and will not stay on board if it is not clear that the future is bright and there is a plan to get there.
The power of corporate vision can be seen through NASA in the ‘60s. President John F. Kennedy’s goal of putting a man on the moon before the decade ended helped galvanize the organization and captured the public imagination; providing much needed support and encouragement. Think about NASA over the past 3 decades, no clear vision and as a result lukewarm public interest and Congressional support.
Corporate vision is an essential ingredient for businesses intending to succeed over the long term. Substance counts over style, aim for brevity and focus. Try to hit the following points:
• It must clearly define an important future goal, or at least a major direction for the company
• It must be exciting or inspiring enough to provide the motivation for people to follow
• It must be articulated with clarity and commitment to provide guidance and coordination for disparate groups
• It must outline a general strategy for achieving the goal
Once a corporate vision is established, the critical and hardest part starts – evangelizing and reinforcing. All senior staff must communicate their understanding and organizational connection to the vision. Every member of the team must absolutely understand how they and their work are directly connected to the vision.
Too many organizations spend too much time on creating the vision and far too little on the communication. Get it roughly right and then share with the team. Let the feedback help you refine and hone it. But make every effort to communicate it, to the point of over–communication.
The benefits of a focused and aligned team are profound. A corporate vision, well crafted and better understood are invaluable tools for leaders.
Good luck.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Why So Much Buzz...........About Buzz Marketing?

Wholly new brands have been created and launched on the back of buzz marketing (think: Susan Boyle). Traditional brands have been chastised for missing the opportunity, or worse punished for blunders in the space. (think: J&J’s blog response to the ‘Motrin Motherhood’ web ads).
But is “buzz” really new? The modern marketing era has included one constant; the power of personal experience as a motivating force for others. Now, the approach and its application have evolved and changed as technology has done likewise. These changes have increased the access, velocity, reach and ease of launching buzz. At the same time, brands have less control over the message than ever. So you have to be sure it is right before you unleash it.
As the technology has shaped this evolution, each generation of marketer embraces it as it if it were a new creation. But while, the language and terminology may be different, we are looking at a continuum. One that has grown and stretched as media has allowed. Is the publicity stunt of years ago that vastly different from a web based video or guerrilla marketing campaign?
Yes, the internet and electronic press releases has changed PR from relationship management just to get a press mention. With the web came email and with it another tool – viral marketing. “Going viral” was another major buzzword early this decade, which tapped into the notion of having customers pass on your message, somehow – usually through engaging and amusing content.

Buzz may not be new, but it is a reality. In the 1990s traditional brands may have turned to buzz marketing as way to make them ‘cool’, but it has grown beyond that limited role to become a core vehicle. Do not mistake the hype as noise. Buzz – or whatever we call it – is a real and powerful element of the mix.
As always, integration of message and content is key, but is essential that brand communications plans and media approach be broad and clear.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Way Beyond Green Marketing

Why is this unfortunate? Becoming a green business is a far more intensive, committed and important strategic issue to be used merely as PR fodder. To me, adopting sustainable business practices is a core strategic move, and should be seen as part of the brand values, personality and image. Every expression of brand essence -- internally and externally -- should support, reinforce and communicate the commitment made.
Green is not merely a marketing or PR issue limited to customer communications. Consumers are too smart to not see through it eventually. Plus, sustainable operations make sense because they are the right thing to do. More importantly, there is a growing understanding that these practices can create strategic advantage and source of powerful differentiation across a globe of interconnected markets with fleeting brand loyalty and changing regulatory methods.
Companies are finding a clear link between profits and sustainability. Gone are the days when a business leader’s feeble off handed defense was a charge of ‘higher costs’ or cries of ‘Western European’ utopian idealism.
“There is 100% overlap between our business drivers and social and environmental interests,” says Dow CEO Andrew N. Liveris

However, corporations have yet to reorient themselves – philosophically and operationally – to internalize sustainability. No doubt this is a challenging task, as there are no business functions that would not benefit from this approach: R&D; Procurement/Supply Chain; Manufacturing; Packaging; Distribution & Logistics; Marketing & Sales; and more.
Besides the high initial investment costs, there is a lack of consistent metrics and investor expectations of returns all hinder wider and faster adoption. The risks are clear, as the brand impact for Nike and Wal-Mart from their global sourcing scandals has shown, and as environmental disasters had on BP, Exxon and Union Carbide.
The good news is that the heightened awareness among the public has raised expectations and created pressure on corporations to move in meaningful ways. If consumers are truly willing to vote with their dollars and pay higher costs in the short term for ‘sustainable’ products, brands will have little choice but to act.
Thankfully, sustainability is “right at the top of the agendas” of more US CEOs, especially young ones, according to the McKinsey Global Institute.
How prepared is your brand? Are you vulnerable to competitors faster, first moves? If not, it just may be a shot you don’t recover from.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Integrated Marketing – Who Takes the Lead?
There seems to be universal agreement among marketers that integrated programs have greater impact, higher efficiency and are where their organizations are headed. (See June 2, 2009 blog entry)
How they achieve the benefits of integration is vastly different. Semantics and understanding may play a part, as well as the organizational structure and reporting relationships. Agency relationships and assignments also play a keen role in how and where integration occurs. There a good number of internal roadblocks that slow or stop the process, including:
• silo mentality/turf protection – brand; marketing services, etc.
• agency loyalties
• traditional mar-com models – e.g. General agency is the big dog
• reporting relationships - is corporate communications part of marketing?
• Short CMO Tenure – many won’t take this on, not wanting to waste time on ‘internal’ issues
So WHO should be responsible for the integration process? Integration is not merely an exercise to reallocate, reduce or optimize the media buy. It is not a budgeting exercise or agency reward for past good work. Rather it is a critical reassessment of the Go to Market communications, their role, interplay and importance to the customer.
The customer. Hmmmm, that seems like a good place to start. Isn’t the role of marketing to understand and nurture the needs, wants and desires of customers? Also, marketing is intended to be the customer advocate back to the business – the product managers and researchers who should be creating products that fulfill customer utile needs.
SO here is my list of steps in lining up resources to create an integrated marketing approach:
• Align around the customer. They are in ultimately in charge of your fate, so why not respond to them? They will tell you that integrated communication IS how they want to receive information
• A client representative, with appropriate and direct authority, should lead the integration across all disciplines
• Integration must include all audiences and constituencies served. Best to start with Thought Leaders and work your way down.
• Remain open for innovative approaches, even when they are not required.
• Measure everything and share results, metrics and accountability
Okay, so you are organized and ready to go! There are some other consideration and landmines to be aware of:
- Agency Compensation - There are bound to be agency concerns over fee dollars, especially as they link output (ads, brochures, etc.) with success and $. - You must fix the agreements to fairly compensate each agency for its contribution and ideas before you get too far.
- Decoupling of media from creative has forced us further away from the customer. Seek to bring them together, especially early in the process.
- Customers have seemingly limitless ways to obtain content, information and marketing messages. As marketers, it is our responsibility to communicate in the way and format that suits the customer best.
- Keep ALL in the Know – it is imperative that the client includes ALL agencies in information sharing and status.
The first campaign will be by far the hardest. But if you are inclusive, firm in your direction and share information openly, success will break silos and agency roles. You must be prepared for some old fashioned hard work to achieve your goals, overcome the reluctance and internal politics.
When the customer responds, your success will be clear!
Good Luck!
Marketing Leverage LLC has developed and executed a number of integrated marketing programs involving product launch, strategic alliances and sponsorships in the B2B & B2C markets.
How they achieve the benefits of integration is vastly different. Semantics and understanding may play a part, as well as the organizational structure and reporting relationships. Agency relationships and assignments also play a keen role in how and where integration occurs. There a good number of internal roadblocks that slow or stop the process, including:
• silo mentality/turf protection – brand; marketing services, etc.
• agency loyalties
• traditional mar-com models – e.g. General agency is the big dog
• reporting relationships - is corporate communications part of marketing?
• Short CMO Tenure – many won’t take this on, not wanting to waste time on ‘internal’ issues

The customer. Hmmmm, that seems like a good place to start. Isn’t the role of marketing to understand and nurture the needs, wants and desires of customers? Also, marketing is intended to be the customer advocate back to the business – the product managers and researchers who should be creating products that fulfill customer utile needs.
SO here is my list of steps in lining up resources to create an integrated marketing approach:
• Align around the customer. They are in ultimately in charge of your fate, so why not respond to them? They will tell you that integrated communication IS how they want to receive information
• A client representative, with appropriate and direct authority, should lead the integration across all disciplines
• Integration must include all audiences and constituencies served. Best to start with Thought Leaders and work your way down.
• Remain open for innovative approaches, even when they are not required.
• Measure everything and share results, metrics and accountability
Okay, so you are organized and ready to go! There are some other consideration and landmines to be aware of:
- Agency Compensation - There are bound to be agency concerns over fee dollars, especially as they link output (ads, brochures, etc.) with success and $. - You must fix the agreements to fairly compensate each agency for its contribution and ideas before you get too far.
- Decoupling of media from creative has forced us further away from the customer. Seek to bring them together, especially early in the process.
- Customers have seemingly limitless ways to obtain content, information and marketing messages. As marketers, it is our responsibility to communicate in the way and format that suits the customer best.
- Keep ALL in the Know – it is imperative that the client includes ALL agencies in information sharing and status.
The first campaign will be by far the hardest. But if you are inclusive, firm in your direction and share information openly, success will break silos and agency roles. You must be prepared for some old fashioned hard work to achieve your goals, overcome the reluctance and internal politics.
When the customer responds, your success will be clear!
Good Luck!
Marketing Leverage LLC has developed and executed a number of integrated marketing programs involving product launch, strategic alliances and sponsorships in the B2B & B2C markets.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Content Can Be King in Sponsorships
Changes in the media landscape and consumption habits of customers have increased the significance and value of content generated from sponsorship deals, often becoming a central reason.
Think about the content distribution we see via broadband, cable, mobile, satellite radio, video on demand, etc. All operators need access to quality content to differentiate themselves and quantity to fill the 24/7 demands of their audience.
We are living through three major trends involving sponsorship media content:
1. Mobile phone operators looking to deliver real-time content and video- at&t – access to NBC Universal Olympic coverage, Sprint – NFL Combine; Verizon – broadcasts of selected concerts on V-Cast, etc.
2. Premium Outlets – Satellite Radio and Cable creating exclusive access for music and sporting events. Live broadcast, on-site interviews, unique formats and exposure.
3. Vertical Networks – Sports properties are gaining greater control of brand, customers and content 24/7 & 365 days by establishing their own networks – MLB, NBA, NFL, NHL, Universal Sports, USOC.
Beyond traditional and digital media content, sponsors have access to a volume of other ‘content’ that can further leverage the relationship; draw customers back to them and further link the mutual values of the brand with the property.
By their very nature, sponsorship properties generate interest, awareness and passion. That’s why so many marketers turn to them. Rather than interrupting customer lives, sponsorship allows a brand to insert itself IN the customer’s life story, because it is something they personally care about. That doesn’t mean you merely slap logos all over your mar-com materials, website etc. Rather, it affords you an opportunity to creating a meaningful connection between the property and your brand, and ultimately to the customer.
One ripe and underused asset is the opportunity to use the normal flow of information, images and news. But the real gem is the potential to create exclusive content, access, information, or other benefits. This provides a treasure trove of assets that can be leveraged in advertising, direct marketing, retail promotion, channel marketing, PR, web content and more. Sponsorship also provides a natural and appropriate centralized thematic for all marketing and sales efforts, which allows the business to have a cohesive message and look in the marketplace.
When the sponsorship includes a role as a supplier of your product, the stories you can tell are so much more valuable. Through authentic and genuine stories, you can personalize the brand with fans. For B2B sponsors, the opportunity goes further, affording the use of the event as a large showcasing tool. It also provides rich and valuable content for technical marketing (case studies, testimonials, and white-papers) and provides fodder for a stream of communication over an extended marketing calendar.
As always with sponsorship, the key to achieving the full potential is not stopping at the easy, obvious activities. To truly differentiate yourself requires some added digging and creativity. It may not be rocket science, but it ‘ain’t’ easy or everyone would be doing it.
Marketing Leverage LLC has experience in utilization of sponsorship content across properties such as – F1 racing, FIFA World Cup, MLB teams, NBA, NHL teams, USOC, US Soccer among others for B2B and B2C brands.
Think about the content distribution we see via broadband, cable, mobile, satellite radio, video on demand, etc. All operators need access to quality content to differentiate themselves and quantity to fill the 24/7 demands of their audience.
We are living through three major trends involving sponsorship media content:

Beyond traditional and digital media content, sponsors have access to a volume of other ‘content’ that can further leverage the relationship; draw customers back to them and further link the mutual values of the brand with the property.
By their very nature, sponsorship properties generate interest, awareness and passion. That’s why so many marketers turn to them. Rather than interrupting customer lives, sponsorship allows a brand to insert itself IN the customer’s life story, because it is something they personally care about. That doesn’t mean you merely slap logos all over your mar-com materials, website etc. Rather, it affords you an opportunity to creating a meaningful connection between the property and your brand, and ultimately to the customer.
One ripe and underused asset is the opportunity to use the normal flow of information, images and news. But the real gem is the potential to create exclusive content, access, information, or other benefits. This provides a treasure trove of assets that can be leveraged in advertising, direct marketing, retail promotion, channel marketing, PR, web content and more. Sponsorship also provides a natural and appropriate centralized thematic for all marketing and sales efforts, which allows the business to have a cohesive message and look in the marketplace.
When the sponsorship includes a role as a supplier of your product, the stories you can tell are so much more valuable. Through authentic and genuine stories, you can personalize the brand with fans. For B2B sponsors, the opportunity goes further, affording the use of the event as a large showcasing tool. It also provides rich and valuable content for technical marketing (case studies, testimonials, and white-papers) and provides fodder for a stream of communication over an extended marketing calendar.
As always with sponsorship, the key to achieving the full potential is not stopping at the easy, obvious activities. To truly differentiate yourself requires some added digging and creativity. It may not be rocket science, but it ‘ain’t’ easy or everyone would be doing it.
Marketing Leverage LLC has experience in utilization of sponsorship content across properties such as – F1 racing, FIFA World Cup, MLB teams, NBA, NHL teams, USOC, US Soccer among others for B2B and B2C brands.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Sponsorship Assets – Package Deals

Too often we see relationships established for a single, short term marketing purpose – awareness, sampling, hospitality, etc. – while the rest of the benefits are tossed to the side or used without thoughtful consideration. Even with the current depressed prices of these deals, they are far too expensive to be managed in such a foolhardy manner.
Sponsorship can be a powerful catalyst that serves as a key integrating theme or ingredient; enabling all of your other media and activities to work harder and together. You need not invest incremental programs or funds to “support” sponsorship. Rather, it is the other way around, with brands and communications linking the emotional value and image of the sponsorship to your audiences and customers. Unlocking that value and generating returns to the business requires exploitation of all assets available as sponsors. This may involve looking beyond the immediate marketing organization or objectives.

+ Brand match – How well does the property brand help reach your audience? Is there a positive fit at the intersection point of the brands?
+ Campaign Potential / Scalability – How well does the sponsorship allow you to leverage assets in retail, advertising, direct marketing, web or employee programs?
+ Direct Revenue – Are there opportunities to sell to the property or partner peers? Does the property take an active role in networking and introducing potential customers? Do you have access to the customer base?
+ Hosting and Showcasing (Indirect Revenue) – How will this sponsorship enable you to reach new or higher profile customer contacts? Can you use them to demonstrate your products in use?
+ Proprietary Value – Is there potential to create truly unique, exclusive and ‘ownable’ content or experiences with the property?
+ Employee Engagement – Do appropriate and reasonable opportunities exist to allow employees to participate in some way? Are there benefits that can be extended to employees?
The list is not exhaustive, but shows some of the ways that a sponsorship can benefit across the business. The critical factor is challenging the organization into looking beyond the ‘easy’ answer to other ways that the sponsorship can provide benefits.
Marketing Leverage LLC has extensive experience deriving value out of sponsorship assets large and small; local and global - Boston Red Sox, NJ Nets, FIFA World Cup, IOC among others in B2B & B2C markets. If you would like to evaluate existing relationships, consider new ones or simply scan the field, please contact me at marketingleveragellc@gmail.com or +1 908 268.8964
Thursday, January 28, 2010
After the Creative Pitch Ends…

Providing Feedback – Hallway Consensus Building and Other Pitfalls
During my career in client side advertising, marketing management and sponsorship agency work, nothing is harder to master than evaluating creative work and providing meaningful feedback. Sure it is fun and exciting to work with the creative guys in developing ideas that bring your brand to life. Unfortunately, most brand marketers are better trained in developing customer understanding, developing strategies and executing plans than evaluating creative.
Is this familiar? The room is full of marketing folks, anticipating to be wowed by ideas. The agency account team sets the stage – strategy, plan and timetable. Next the creative team launches into an animated, energetic review of three ideas. Suddenly they stop talking and turn to you, expectantly wanting affirmation, agreement, smiles, applause, something, anything.
If it is your task, don’t make it harder on yourself (and others around you) by falling into a few common traps. Below are some ground rules for effective creative review sessions that should be followed, if you value your agency relationship and want good work:
- Make certain the ultimate decision maker is in the room. Don’t waste the agency and your time.
- Don’t be ‘inclusive’ when inviting people to the review. It may add confusion on roles and everyone feels compelled to add comments.
- Make sure you or the agency or you revisit the brief for the room. Make certain everybody involved understands and agrees to the strategy, audience, objectives, etc.
- Prior to the meeting, clearly define who will run the meeting on the client side, especially when time comes to provide comments and reactions. The awkward silence and eye averting behavior is unnerving and not needed. If you run the meeting, DO NOT pick the most junior person in the room to go first. Either the brand manager or their boss should kick off.
- Give feedback IN the meeting. It is unfair to expect them present work and wait for several days for input.
- Always start with a positive acknowledgment, regardless of what you think. Creative teams work hard and passionately on your business. Clients have to keep them motivated to get good work.
- Be honest, but ease into problem areas. Start with your initial, emotional gut reaction. That gives them something to work with and provides a bridge to problem solving.
- Stay big picture and away from tactical or technical nits. Is it on strategy? Does it fit the brand? Is it campaign-able? Does it work across media?
- Don’t play “Gar-animals” – picking pieces of multiple ideas and creating a new ad or campaign. You pay the agency to this, let the pros handle it. There are plenty of opportunities to art direct and copy write,later that are more acceptable.
- Don’t use the ‘Hallway Test’! Consensus building does generate good creative work. It puts people on the spot and generates safe, middle of the road ads. It also undermines your stature and authority, diminishing your esteem with the agency.
- Trust. 1. Your agency. They have more experience creating customer motivating communications. 2. Your gut. That initial reaction is HUGE. Take some time to think about it and the implications.
For some folks the creative review process occurs infrequently, so it is challenging to develop that skill. It is also a potentially stressful situation when it is your turn to speak. Where do you start, how do you organize your thoughts, how do you look smart in front of your boss?

PS - For the new advertising or brand manager, I highly recommend the Association of National Advertisers (ANA) Course – Creative Advertising. It takes one through the entire ad development process, including agency feedback and direction.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Exclamation Point Marketing!!!!!??
Is it just me or has the marketing profession has lost something in the past few years? Lately it seems to me that hype, promotion and volume have replaced cleverness, innovation and values.
Maybe it was too much Billy Mays yelling at me & now Sully, his smarmy Pitchmen buddy; maybe it is the current US obsession with tabloid journalism and personal desire for celebrity; possibly another casualty of the Wal-Mart effect. I could blame the Internet, video gaming, mobile content, maybe even El Nino. Safe to say, I haven’t determined the root cause, but I do know that brand marketing has lost a bit of luster recently.
Being a brand sensitive individual and one who was raised in the industry to develop, nurture and evangelize the value and critical importance of brands, I must say sometimes I feel a bit lost. We see brand extension after brand extension. Companies that have built great brands and good businesses like Di Giorno sold off for logistics reasons, not marketing issues.
Where, oh where is the customer in all this? It often appears that we have lost sight of their needs, desires and hopes. Or are we just determined to sell them stuff; at low prices? in massive quantities? Maybe that’s what they want and I don’t know it.
I, like so many, look forward to the Super Bowl coming, as much for the half-time entertainment, football and the commercials. This annual seminal moment in TV advertising is analyzed nearly as much as the X’s and O’s. Who is in, who’s out, how much are they spending.
What amazes me about Super Bowl ads (and now advertising in general) is how little the ads even talk about the product, if at all. I wonder if Danica Patrick even knows or cares about what Go Daddy does? More importantly, how many viewers even care. No doubt many young men find out they are a domain listing service, very few who have their own website.
One might excuse Go Daddy, but when such respected marketers as Budweiser airing ads that are never linked to the product, in any way, it hurts. If advertising is merely an attempt to entertain the audience, how effective can it be in shaping image or building awareness, trial and preference? Is it that marketers are just being lazy? Or going for the low hanging fruit? Or are consumers not demanding enough of the brands they upon which they spend?
My experience from 15 years of advertising tells me that some of the brightest and ambitious people - smart, clever, curious, insightful and driven- work in the field of advertising. They cannot be proud of some of the work out there. Advertising can be entertaining AND smart, strategic and on message. The current E*Trade campaign is spot on; funny, resonates with audiences; campaignable and flexible across media, including viral.
It can be done, but it takes a client that demands GREAT work and won’t settle for less!!!

Being a brand sensitive individual and one who was raised in the industry to develop, nurture and evangelize the value and critical importance of brands, I must say sometimes I feel a bit lost. We see brand extension after brand extension. Companies that have built great brands and good businesses like Di Giorno sold off for logistics reasons, not marketing issues.
Where, oh where is the customer in all this? It often appears that we have lost sight of their needs, desires and hopes. Or are we just determined to sell them stuff; at low prices? in massive quantities? Maybe that’s what they want and I don’t know it.
I, like so many, look forward to the Super Bowl coming, as much for the half-time entertainment, football and the commercials. This annual seminal moment in TV advertising is analyzed nearly as much as the X’s and O’s. Who is in, who’s out, how much are they spending.
What amazes me about Super Bowl ads (and now advertising in general) is how little the ads even talk about the product, if at all. I wonder if Danica Patrick even knows or cares about what Go Daddy does? More importantly, how many viewers even care. No doubt many young men find out they are a domain listing service, very few who have their own website.
One might excuse Go Daddy, but when such respected marketers as Budweiser airing ads that are never linked to the product, in any way, it hurts. If advertising is merely an attempt to entertain the audience, how effective can it be in shaping image or building awareness, trial and preference? Is it that marketers are just being lazy? Or going for the low hanging fruit? Or are consumers not demanding enough of the brands they upon which they spend?
My experience from 15 years of advertising tells me that some of the brightest and ambitious people - smart, clever, curious, insightful and driven- work in the field of advertising. They cannot be proud of some of the work out there. Advertising can be entertaining AND smart, strategic and on message. The current E*Trade campaign is spot on; funny, resonates with audiences; campaignable and flexible across media, including viral.
It can be done, but it takes a client that demands GREAT work and won’t settle for less!!!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Rules for Agency – Client Happiness

Many advertising and marketing executives build their reputation upon the value of the customer relationship to the brand. Creating strategies, messages and offers that create, nurture, and reinforce that connection. Funny, if they spent a small portion of that effort on the agency relationship, how much easier the task might be and benefits they might realize.
Having worked with a wide range of agencies of all types, sizes and disciplines; I have experienced a number of common issues, irritations and sensitivities. The current economic and world situation has only heightened insecurity.
To start off a new year and decade, I offer up some simple guidelines and suggestions that will lead to better work and more satisfying working relationships. They may be simple and obvious; that does not mean they are easy to follow and implement!
• It’s a Relationship – That means both need each other, so you have to be able to trust and depend upon the other party. However, it is never an even relationship; both parties always feel they are contributing more. Be sure to raise the discussion when it feels too far out of balance, say 70/30
• Not a Partnership – each of you is ultimately accountable for something, so try to be mindful of the roles and competencies. Clients, try not to write copy or art direct. Agencies, be wary of clients who abdicate the marketing strategy development to you; it’s setup for trouble!
• Communication is Key – Listening is the most fundamental skill required; work hard at listening to each other. And take time to check for understanding. Did you hear correctly?
• Feedback & Reinforcement – Look for opportunities to say “Thank you” and provide positive comments, EVERYDAY. Continuous negative feedback corrodes the relationship.
• Gifting – Try to surprise them once in a while for no reason, without being a holiday or other occasion (like a new product pitch). Good ideas, insights and thoughts demonstrate that you understand their needs and care about the relationship.
• 7 Second Delay - Please – Never, ever use bad words, or give feedback when you are angry. Once they are spoken or sent, you can never retrieve them – they hang in the air forever. Marketing is far more of an intuitive art form than engineering. Motivation and inspiration go farther than fear in getting good work
• Confront Issues Together – if and when you have problems, discuss it openly and honestly between yourselves. Don’t involve 3rd parties, even to vent. Doing so only magnifies the issue. NEVER mention ending the relationship, unless you are fully committed to that. Before that, any mention will only serve to weaken the partnership and put the agency further on the edge.
• Accountability – Affirm that the agency alone is responsible for creating impactful and effective – advertising, direct marketing, digital marketing, entertainment/sports marketing – campaigns, programs and plans. Oh yeah, and make sure you tell them that you truly believe they will do it.
Agencies and client have to work hard to keep the relationship fresh, vital and growing. The search and engagement process is quite protracted and lengthy – it should be avoided at all costs. If you have done the due diligence upfront, know each other and have good chemistry – it is very worth fixing any issues that surface along the way.
Splitting up is the easy way, but does not guarantee happiness.
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